Your wedding day is full of beautiful moments. Capturing each one is essential so you and your partner can look back and cherish them for years. Discover 10 classic and unique ways to preserve your significant and candid wedding moments.
Planning a child-free wedding? Discover tips for politely communicating your no-kids policy and ensuring a memorable, stress-free celebration at Spruce Mountain Ranch!
Discover thoughtful bridal shower gift ideas, from personalized presents to wedding luxuries. Find the perfect gift for the bride or couple with our expert guide!
Host your next corporate event at Spruce Mountain Ranch in Colorado. Boost team morale, creativity, and wellness in a stunning mountain setting. Book now!
One of the best things about a wedding weekend is it gives you plenty of time to spend with your guests. This is an excellent choice if five hours at the reception is not enough for you and your future spouse to mingle with everyone. However, it’s more challenging than a typical wedding event because you’ll entertain guests for multiple days. Discover these eight exciting activities to ensure a fun-filled celebration.
Wedding favors are a typical element of any wedding, but they do come with some controversy. Some classic wedding favors like customized shot glasses or can koozies have been overdone, and many people don’t end up using them after the reception. When picking out the perfect wedding favor, consider what your guests will actually use and appreciate. These unique wedding favor ideas can give you some inspiration for gifts that guests will be excited to take home.
Couples often choose to plan their weddings around a specific color palette. It makes every detail easier to choose, but you don’t have to create your big day according to your favorite colors. Get inspired by these fun wedding themes. They’re perfect for anyone who wants their 2025 event to dazzle their guests while matching their own personality.
Finding the perfect wedding decorations can be a challenge. Many people want their wedding to be a combination of their personal style and modern trends – without looking outdated. If you need inspiration for your upcoming wedding, consider these modern decor ideas that you can adapt to any budget.
Spruce Mountain Ranch is the ultimate choice for corporate events. We have various venues with indoor and outdoor spaces that can hold up to 750 people — all set against the backdrop of the Centennial State’s picturesque landscapes. Aside from helping customize your gathering to ensure every detail suits your company’s unique needs, we also offer themed corporate event packages. We partner with trusted local vendors to curate memorable Coloradan experiences for your team and spare you from the hassles of planning everything from scratch. Have a look at our packages below and discover what makes each special.
From selecting the perfect dress to finalizing your guest list, wedding preparations can be overwhelming. However, prioritizing your skincare routine can ensure that you radiate confidence on your special day. Here are some expert tips to help you achieve a flawless bridal glow: